SQL Editor - Build Query

Here you can design a query visually while Argos creates the actual SQL code for you.

This image is the Visual Query Builder which allows you to create queries using visual tools. Options exist to show tables, show unions, add tables, and create sub queries.  Options also exist to visually create SELECT, WHERE, HAVING, and ORDER BY statements.

Button Name Description
view s q l button View SQL See the SQL generated from the query you built in the visual designer.
refresh button Refresh Refresh the tables in your Query.
copy button Copy Copies the entire visual design to the clipboard. This can be very useful if you created a Dashboard and would like to use the same query in your Report Query.
paste button Paste Pastes a visual design from the clipboard. This will overwrite the existing design.
reorder tables button Reorder Tables Change the creation order of the tables on this form by moving them up or down the list.
edit a d o properties Edit Query Properties Modify data connection settings. It is recommended that these settings are left set as their defaults unless otherwise instructed by an Evisions support technician.



Need More Help?

If you need additional help creating DataBlocks, refer to the Getting Started with DataBlocks page.

To read a step-by-step tutorial on how to create Unions, refer to Example 13 in the Argos DataBlock Designers Guide.

To read step-by-step tutorials on how to create subqueries, refer to Example 10 (Scalar Subquery), Example 11( Correlated Subquery), or Example 12 (Non-Correlated Subquery), in the DataBlock Designer Guide.